Can’t Delete Partitions Using Disk Management / Use DISKPART Elevated Command

There is plenty of space on the disk. You are getting this error for a different reason. If your machine is anything but a desktop then you would get the error you have.

You aren’t able to delete the recovery partition because it EFI protected. You should be able to force by using the override command.

I would try using diskpart (from an elevated command prompt) to delete the partition and convert to dynamic disk.

DISKPART> list disk
DISKPART> select disk 4

Disk 4 is now the selected disk.

DISKPART> list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset
————- —————- ——- ——-
Partition 1 Primary 223 GB 1024 KB
Partition 3 Recovery 450 MB 223 GB

DISKPART> select partition 3

Partition 3 is now the selected partition.

DISKPART> delete partition override

DiskPart successfully deleted the selected partition.

DISKPART> list partition

Partition ### Type Size Offset
————- —————- ——- ——-
Partition 1 Primary 223 GB 1024 KB

Posted in Computers, Laptop/Notebook, Windows